While many of us are enjoying the lovely hot weather of the season now that summer has arrived, our pets might not be as happy about it.
In the summer, rabbits in particular are susceptible to heat stroke and depend on their owners to supply them with cooler surroundings. Here, we examine how we, as pet owners, may assist in keeping rabbits cool in the hot weather. Wild rabbits run underground or hide beneath shrubs and bushes to keep cool, so here we look at how they can.
Give your Rabbit Plenty of Shade
As much as possible, keep your rabbit hutch away of direct sunlight. Particularly metal hutches can warm up quite quickly and hold the heat all day. It is best to situate your rabbit hutch in a shaded section of your garden, ideally under a tree or a sizable bush to enable some light to enter while shielding your bunnies from extreme heat. If you can’t move your hutch, try setting up a huge sun umbrella nearby. The intensity of the sun will be lessened as a result.
This also holds true for your rabbit hutch, which is primarily built of wire mesh and is totally exposed to the sun’s harmful rays. They can exercise without getting too hot if there is a thin, breathable cover that also provides protection from the sun and allows the wind to flow and keep it aired.
Consider installing some slate or ceramic tiles within the rabbit hutch. Your bunnies will enjoy the cooling sensation against their bodies when they lie on top because they are made of a cold material. Another excellent suggestion for the hutch is a tunnel or hideaway, which would be ideal for adding an additional layer of shade.
Offer your Rabbit Fresh, Cool Water
Water should always be available, and during the summer, it should be supplied at regular intervals throughout the day. Your rabbit will have access to plenty of liquids if you use a combination of water bowls and bottles, and you could even notice that they love lying in the bowls when it’s very hot outside.
A bowl of ice-cold water and a supply of fresh veggies can both provide some cooling relief. Your rabbit will enjoy snacking on these during those long, hot days while staying hydrated at the same time because they naturally contain a lot of water.
Keep Flies at Bay
Flies are perhaps the most annoying thing about summer! They are the most persistent of creatures that can drive us to distraction and unfortunately, they have the same effect on our rabbits.
Flies can cause serious harm if they lay eggs on your rabbit, so keeping them away from your rabbit hutch is vital. Scrupulous hygiene is essential and only regular cleaning of your pets bedding and litter will help keep these critters away. If you see flies around your rabbit hutch consider hanging some flypaper nearby (out of your rabbits reach) and check your pet regularly for any signs of infestation. Keeping your rabbit groomed and removing excess hair will not only help to keep them cooler in the heat, but it will also give flies less places to lay their eggs.
How to Spot Heat Stroke Symptoms in Rabbits
Heatstroke in rabbits can be fatal, as for other small animals. If you can spot the symptoms of heat stoke in the early stages, then you will have time to reverse the effects. The main symptoms to look out for are;
- Fast, shallow breathing
- Wetness around the nose
- Breathing rapidly from an open mouth whilst throwing their head back
- Hot ears
If you are worried that your rabbit has heat stroke, take them indoors and into a cool, well ventilated room immediately. Do not submerge them in cold water as this can send them into shock, but do apply a cool compress to their ears. Offer them plenty of cool, fresh water and keep them calm. If they do not appear to be getting better within a short space of time, take them your local vet straight away